Wednesday, 16 October 2013


At lunch it seemed that, inspired by my sketch book, (see previous post), they wanted to go out painting, like REAL artists.  So we did!

We walked to the Park and sat on a wall

We sketched
and sketched
a heron came to watch us
we sketched some more
until we were satisfied
and then we walked home
That night  Oma and Opa were invited to Private View in their atelier

We were given little slices of pizza and some drinks and then found ourselves invited to bid in an auction of art work.  It seems the entrepeneurial spirit thrives!


It is such a long time since I blogged. I have not done much painting for a while but I have been photographing as much as possible of my work, old and new, . All this is prompted by being asked to talk about my work to the Somerset Society of Artists next month. More of that in a future post.  It also means that in while I can maybe start filling the GALLERY section of this blog.

In my last post, here , I wrote of a day missing the grandchildren but doing some sketching.  Now my other half is once more in Belgium but I am in the UK.   She is seeing the grandchildren and I am missing them and her.  It makes me think of a lovely day this summer.

For a few days we looked after the youngest four grandchildren. One morning three of them invited themselves into my studio and asked if they could paint too. I showed them my watercolour gear and let them loose

I showed them the sketches in my little book I posted last time
They soon disappeared upstairs to the attic, leaving this notice on the door to the stairs

What would happen?
(it says Our Studio, no entrance until 7.30)