I am a musician and a painter.  Retired now as a piano teacher, but still an occasional organist and (very occasional now)  jazz pianist.  But I now have time to paint!

My soul mate since 2007, Lutje , is Belgian , Flemish speaking, and we spend some of our time on the outskirts of Brussels and some here in Somerset, UK.

I already had a wonderful son and daughter of mine own, and Lutje has  two lovely daughters and six grandchildren.  So we are quite a crew!

This Blog is to share my delight in my new life and my love of painting and art.  Much of the material will come from my little sketch book/journal which I have been keeping for a while.

If you would  like to know more of my career as an artist why not follow these links to three arts societies to which I belong?   You may need to use the back arrow on your browser to get back here again!

The Chandos Society of  Artists

Artists 303

Somerset Art Works

Lutje also has a lovely blog; if you would like to visit it click here

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