Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Back to England tomorrow for a while. As always i have had such a good time in Brussels.  Sadly Lutje is staying here for a few weeks more so i shall have tobe content to picture my muse thus

drawn a few days ago , whilst she seemed to be pretending to be a Matisse painting

The following day  I paid another visit to Parc Parmentier, as ever with my A6 sketch book, and here is a very minimalist view of the lake, now full of water and with beautiful reflections of the trees.

and from the other side of the water, with the sunlight through the trees and off the water

Monday, 4 August 2014


Only two working days before I have to return to UK and I am sorting out some of the work I have done this summer,, so that I can make a big parcel and post it back ready for SAW and open studios . It seems really good value via Belgian post. But it does not work the other way and Royal mail!!
I have just had the normal trauma with brown packing tape. You know how you can't find the end and, when you think you have, it tears and comes off in little icky strips and is just a nuisance?  I realised, just now, that it dates from my last packing session here and that was two summers ago. It is time for a new roll.  So until this afternoon the parcel is sitting looking like this. (two acrylic abstracts and three oil still life)

 I have done a lot of drawings and paintings of fruit and veg which will go in my suitcase. Here are a few

 These, above and below, are in oil on panels 20 x 20 cm 

these are watercolour and pencil, watercolour, and mixed media

I have also done many drawings and the odd painting (very odd!) of myself. I have never before  been into self portraits and it is worrying. I look a bit scary? Is the world ready for this. maybe i shall be braver tomorrow!

I am really looking forward to Art week, so much to do yet.
 Bridgwater potter Lesley Cooper is sharing with me which will be great.  Come and see us!