It is so different in lovely Belgium. Self expression is the thing The oldest buildings are wonderfully extravagant, each stadhuis must have pinnacles and baroque towers, the churches are tall with wonderful towers. Brussels is the spiritual home of Art Nouveau and organically twisting iron work flourishes everywhere. Art Deco is rampant.
And there are no holds barred when you build up against another house. It seems to be compulsory to use different materials and style. Nothing lines up, the scale of each building is a personal choice. It is as if the architects were engaged in a duel and, whilst sometimes it is weird , most of the time it is WONDERFUL!
This is the view from our bedroom window. Every house in the street, and the next street, is different.
As I write this I am thinking I should draw all the houses in the neighbourhood, some are very fine. It might make a good series?
In case you were wondering our home is a superb Hansel and Gretel fantasy with a steep roof by a Dutch architect; handmade bricks and wrought iron holding back the shutters, festooned in summer with red roses. We fit in!
Like it (and you). Two thumbs up!